General Information for 学生
以下是学生在EE的工作机会概述 部门,以及现有员工的资源.
本科 student positions
电子工程系每学期招聘本科生担任许多职位. 学生 是否被要求申请并说明他们对现有职位的偏好,但没有 保证,因为任务是根据部门需要和日程安排的 限制. 以下是通常提供的职位列表,每个职位都有简要说明 描述
- 实验室的服务员
工作人员s our Digital 实验室 during open hours. Responsible for user support, as well as the safety and security of the lab facility. 这 job is often combined with the Teaching 助教或评分员执行实验室助理工作的助理和评分员职位 while doing their grading work. - Teaching assistant
与实验室指导老师一起在学习环境中提供帮助. 他们帮助教学 the labs and typically grade the lab books. TA positions are open to students who 在课堂和实验中表现优异,表现出教学兴趣; ability, and/or aptitude. - 平地机
与教授一起协助完成课程作业. 平地机位置 对那些在课堂上表现良好的学生开放吗. - 技术员
找工作的学生需要每学期申请. 这 includes both new and 以前的员工. Applicaions are available via the link below. Deliver the application in person to Chris Pauli in Workman 179. Positions are filled the first week of the 学期,所以尽量在那周早些时候提交申请.
COVID-19 changes to hiring
寻找工作的学生需要像往常一样完成以下申请,但相反 of delivering it in person, email it to 克里斯.pauli@lmjrsygc.com. 请确保时间表部分完整和准确.
Student worker related documents
- EE student worker application [pdf]
IEEE - The Institute of Electical & Electronics Engineers
Member: Anyone interested in Electronics
The Society of Women Engineers
- Members: Anyone interested in Networking
- 网站: http://lkyi.lmjrsygc.com/~swe
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Members: Anyone interested in Electronics
- 网站: http://lkyi.lmjrsygc.com/~shpe
Tau β
- Members: By invitation only. An Engineering Honor Society that invites the top 5% 初级班和高年级前8%的学生加入
- 网站: http://geek.lmjrsygc.com/~tbp
高级设计是一个顶点设计项目进行了一个完整的学年. 项目 由资深设计团队承担,并由行业、科研实验室赞助 和老师. 每个设计团队都在客户的监督下工作 is supported by a faculty adviser. The results of these efforts are summarized in posters created by the students. Below are links to digital copies of the posters that are printed out and displayed in the department.
实验室 & 计算机信息
- EE账户将免费提供给EE教师、EE专业学生和NMT学生 参加EE课程,学生/教师有充分的理由.
- EE部门保留创建,删除,搜索和/或禁用任何的权利 account at any time.
- 该帐户的所有者负责存储在该帐户中的所有数据.
- 帐户不得包含可能被视为非法或冒犯的数据.
- 虽然我们努力确保数据安全,但最终还是用户的责任 for backing up and retaining important files. The EE Department is not responsible 遗失资料.
- Accounts may be used for
- Hosting a personal web page
- Storing EE related user files
- Storing personal user files
- 远程登录
- EE网络可供任何与电气工程相关的个人使用 在核磁测井仪.
- EE网络主要用于完成实验室,家庭作业和其他学校 相关的任务. Personal use is also allowed but not given priority. 个人用户 应该把电脑交给任何做学术工作的人吗.
- 允许对EE网络进行以下使用,但可能会受到限制
- 只要使用基于web的解决方案,就允许聊天/消息传递. 安装 chat/messaging software is not allowed.
- 只要内容不令人反感,网上冲浪是允许的.
- 只要戴上耳机,就可以播放音乐和/或声音 音乐/声音是别人听不到的.
- SSH is allowed to and from the EE network.
- Checking/sending email is allowed. Use of the EE web mail is recommended.
Software Usage Policy
- 未经允许,用户不得安装、删除或修改任何软件 of the System Administrator.
Hardware Usage Policy
- 未经允许,用户不得擅自打开、移动或修改任何电脑设备 of the System Administrator.
密码是你与外界隔绝的唯一防线. 有人知道吗? 它可以猜出来,也可以猜出来,它可以访问你的整个用户帐户. 这 包括阅读电子邮件,删除或修改用户文件,执行非法操作 activites and so on.
除了这种风险之外,那些聪明到可以访问你账户的人离你更近了一步 to hacking deeper into the EE network. The easiest way for a hacker to gain access 进入服务器是先以普通用户的身份进入,然后再尝试获得更高的访问权限 levels of that server or other networked servers. By having all users maintain good 密码,加强了服务器的第一道防线. In other words, having 一个好的密码不仅可以保护你的帐户,也可以保护所有其他用户的帐户.
How to change your password on the EE servers
- Using SSH, log into geek.lmjrsygc.com
- 输入“密码”
- Follow the prompts
What makes a bad password
- of yourself, including nicknames
- 你的配偶或其他重要的人,你的父母,孩子,兄弟姐妹,宠物,或 other family members
- 虚构的人物,尤其是幻想或科幻故事中的人物,电子游戏, 等.
- of any place or proper noun (including celebriies)
- of computers or computer systems
Numbers, including
- 您的电话号码
- your social security number
- 任何人的生日
- your drivers licence number or licence plate
- your room number or address
- any common number like 3.1415926 or 1.618034
- any series such as 1248163264
Any username in any form, including
- capitalized (Johndoe)
- doubled (johndoejohndoe)
- reversed (eodnhoj)
- reflected (johndoeodnhoj)
- transpose (j0hnd03)
- with words, numbers or symbols appended (johndoe!, 3johndoe, johndoecat).
- any slang word or obscenity
- any technical term or jargon
Simple patterns, including
- passwords of all the same letter
- simple keyboard patterns (qwerty, asdfjkl)
- 任何别人看到你在打字时很容易认出来的东西
Any password that you have used in the past
What makes a good password
- Use a non-ordinary word or phrase.
- 至少使用一个小写字母、大写字母、数字和符号.
- 从简单的短语创建密码(Ihv8p$wd =我有密码).
- 从由不相关的单词组成的短语创建密码(InsanePassOGeek)
- 最少使用8个字符(超过16个字符是不实际的).
- Changing it every 6 months or so.
Bad and good passwords and why
- 水晶 (Dictionary word)
- Crystal (Dictionary word w/capitals)
- 水晶9 (Dictionary word w/number)
- 水晶! (Dictionary word w/character)
- cry$tal (Dictionary word w/normally changed letters)
- latsyrc (Dictionary word backwards)
- Jessica (Name or place)
- dogcat (Two dictionary words)
- dog3cat (Two dictionary word w/number)
- 12345678 (All numbers)
Good Passwords (each is better that the previous)
- CRysTaL (Dictionary word w/ramdon CAPS)
- #stal(字典单词,由单词组成的字符)
- 计算机(字典词,有“计算机”的几种修改)
- Ihv8p$wd (Phrase "I have a password")
- iha8p $$wdd(更长的更复杂的短语“我有一个密码”)
- Ford - v8 -351-2v(14个字符,根据流行的福特发动机创建)
- 6q3mpaG\ip8ef~3*(16个字符长,使用所有类型的随机字母,数字和
- IHasGreatestPassDaddyOfNorthIreland! (36 characters long using many unrelated words